Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Foating Crust

Johan with a Sharp Tooth Catfish caught on crust

Myself with a 7kg Carp ( weighed )

Myself with another Catfish caught on crust. Even though they are predators they do enjoy taking on bread.

Darren with a 7kg Carp caught on crust ( weighed )

Fishing is also great fun for the kiddies, they could be our next big anglers. ;)

This was the biggest catch. A nice 9.2 KG ( weighed ). Beautiful Specimen.

From left to right. Klaus, Darren and Me all on at the same time on crust.

Another double whammy!!

Darren with a nice Specimen.

Whoop Whoop another one for me, thats 6 so far in 1 hr. Classic fishing :)

Lee Ann with her first Carp. Well Done Baby!!!!

Look at how beautiful this Carp is, not bad for alien fish.

Floating Crust Fishing is probably my favorite style of Carp fishing. Its the thrill of seeing the carp smash your bread and suck those slices down. I love being able to see the fish and target them. Its a very interactive style of fishing.

The Crust Guru will be back with more soon....

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