Monday, September 27, 2010

Jacques Joubert - Followers Catches

Here is some amazing fish caught by Jacques Joubert. I have also attached the captions which he provided.

Please feel free to add some more insight. Thanks a mill Jacques.

This Large Mouth Bass was caught at Zandberg wine estate in Somerset West on a home made fly.

Caught at monwabisi on sardine

This Sting Ray was caught at Gordons Bay old harbour on sardine.

Caught at Kleinbron Estate and weighed close to 15kg and was caught on 3 kg line and stuttaford floaties.

This Bronsie was caught at monwabisi by an angler known as Hennie Papenfoes on a slide bait.
Silky Shark caught at the old harbour in Gorbons bay on a sardine.

This Barbel was caught at Magic Forest on earthworm.

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